Source code for g2p_programs.models.managers.entitlement_manager

# Part of Newlogic G2P. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models

class EntitlementManager(models.Model):
    _name = "g2p.program.entitlement.manager"
    _description = "Entitlement Manager"
    _inherit = "g2p.manager.mixin"

    program_id = fields.Many2one("g2p.program", "Program")

    def _selection_manager_ref_id(self):
        selection = super()._selection_manager_ref_id()
        new_manager = ("g2p.program.entitlement.manager.default", "Default")
        if new_manager not in selection:
        return selection

[docs]class BaseEntitlementManager(models.AbstractModel): _name = "g2p.base.program.entitlement.manager" _description = "Base Entitlement Manager" name = fields.Char("Manager Name", required=True) program_id = fields.Many2one("g2p.program", string="Program", required=True)
[docs] def prepare_entitlements(self, cycle, cycle_memberships): """ This method is used to prepare the entitlement list of the beneficiaries. :param cycle: The cycle. :param cycle_memberships: The beneficiaries. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def validate_entitlements(self, cycle, cycle_memberships): """ This method is used to validate the entitlement list of the beneficiaries. :param cycle: The cycle. :param cycle_memberships: The beneficiaries. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DefaultCashEntitlementManager(models.Model): _name = "g2p.program.entitlement.manager.default" _inherit = ["g2p.base.program.entitlement.manager", "g2p.manager.source.mixin"] _description = "Default Entitlement Manager" amount_per_cycle = fields.Monetary( currency_field="currency_id", group_operator="sum", default=0.0, string="Amount per cycle", ) amount_per_individual_in_group = fields.Monetary( currency_field="currency_id", group_operator="sum", default=0.0, string="Amount per individual in group", ) max_individual_in_group = fields.Integer( default=0, string="Maximum number of individual in group", help="0 means no limit", ) currency_id = fields.Many2one( "res.currency", related="program_id.journal_id.currency_id", readonly=True ) # Group able to validate the payment # Todo: Create a record rule for payment_validation_group entitlement_validation_group_id = fields.Many2one( "res.groups", string="Payment Validation Group" )
[docs] def prepare_entitlements(self, cycle, beneficiaries): # TODO: create a Entitlement of `amount_per_cycle` for each member that do not have one yet for the cycle and benecifiaries_ids = beneficiaries.mapped("") benecifiaries_with_entitlements = ( self.env["g2p.entitlement"] .search( [("cycle_id", "=",, ("partner_id", "in", benecifiaries_ids)] ) .mapped("") ) entitlements_to_create = [ benecifiaries_id for benecifiaries_id in benecifiaries_ids if benecifiaries_id not in benecifiaries_with_entitlements ] entitlement_start_validity = cycle.start_date entitlement_end_validity = cycle.end_date entitlement_currency = beneficiaries_with_entitlements_to_create = self.env["res.partner"].browse( entitlements_to_create ) for beneficiary_id in beneficiaries_with_entitlements_to_create: self.env["g2p.entitlement"].create( { "cycle_id":, "partner_id":, "initial_amount": self._calculate_amount(beneficiary_id), "currency_id": entitlement_currency, "state": "draft", "is_cash_entitlement": True, "valid_from": entitlement_start_validity, "valid_until": entitlement_end_validity, } )
def _calculate_amount(self, beneficiary): total = self.amount_per_cycle if beneficiary.is_group: num_individuals = beneficiary.count_individuals() if ( self.max_individual_in_group and num_individuals > self.max_individual_in_group ): num_individuals = self.max_individual_in_group total += self.amount_per_individual_in_group * num_individuals return total
[docs] def validate_entitlements(self, cycle, cycle_memberships): # TODO: Change the status of the entitlements to `validated` for this members. # move the funds from the program's wallet to the wallet of each Beneficiary that are validated pass